The Real Meaning of Changing People’s Lives for the Better
During the last quarter of 2021, CHANGING PEOPLE’S LIVES (CPL) International Ministries’ work and mission was expanded from serving only in the communist countries of the world to doing ministry in all places of the world where RELIGIOUS FREEDOM is highly restricted.
An S.O.S call for help came from one of the most forgotten places of the world by the name of NO MAN’S LAND where citizens from the militarized country of Myanmar have trampled their own people of KarenEthnicity and pushed them as far as they can against the border with the country of Thailand.
The above has been the WORLD’S LONGEST ONGOING CIVIL WAR that has spanned more than seven decades. It is an ethnic-religious conflict.
To make things even worse, not only are they not allowed in their own country of Myanmar, but also, they are not allowed to enter the neighboring country of Thailand, which has created refugee camps that are only 6 kilometers long and 2 kilometers wide on average, that hold more than 4,000people who are basically trapped.
Getting to “No Man’s Land” is not easy. The SDA church has established several schools for children who live in caves and who literally have no future, no food, no hope, and where teachers are getting paid $50 per month (when money is available).
There are not too many foreigners allowed to enter theseareas, due to the non-stop bombardment of these people. CPL International works in finding ways to bring HOPE to these places, even at the risk of their ownlives.
CHANGING PEOPLE’S LIVES (CPL) through the most appreciatedsupport of CPL Mission Partners
can provide uniforms and educational support to hundreds ofthose children. It’s such a blessing to be able to provide a life changingexperience to parents and children who are constantly bombarded and always onthe move, fleeing for their lives.
Thank you for your financial support in providing uniforms,clothing, shoes and an SDA Education through the work and mission of CPLInternational.
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